Priddy Ugly Explains How He Selects Features For His Songs

Priddy Ugly expressed his preference for starting with a blank canvas, allowing him to have complete control over the style, cadence, and sonics of the song. This approach gives him the freedom to explore different ideas and experiment with various sounds.

Priddy Ugly Explains How He Selects Features For His Songs - TSZ Mzansi
Priddy Ugly Explains How He Selects Features For His Songs.
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After the release of his latest album “DUST,” Priddy Ugly is ready to shift gears and focus on working with up-and-coming artists. But before he dives into that, the rapper took to Twitter to share with his fans how he selects features for his albums.

Unlike some artists who prefer to work with pre-made beats, Priddy Ugly likes to start the beat-making process from scratch. He believes that by initiating the beat in the session with the producer, he can develop the song’s concept more effectively.

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Priddy Ugly expressed his preference for starting with a blank canvas, allowing him to have complete control over the style, cadence, and sonics of the song. This approach gives him the freedom to explore different ideas and experiment with various sounds.

By starting from scratch, Priddy Ugly can fully immerse himself in the creative process. He can let the beat inspire him and guide the direction of the song. This method allows him to write and record more authentically, resulting in a more cohesive and impactful final product.

Collaborations are an essential part of Priddy Ugly’s albums, and he takes great care in selecting the right features. He believes that a collaboration should enhance the overall vision of the album and bring something unique to the table.

When choosing features, Priddy Ugly looks for artists who can complement his style and add a fresh perspective to the song. He values diversity and believes that different voices and perspectives can elevate the music and make it more interesting.

One notable collaboration on his latest album “DUST” was with Zulu Mecca on the track “Soul Food.” Her impressive delivery garnered public acclaim, and Priddy Ugly recognized the value she brought to the song.

Priddy Ugly’s approach to selecting features is not just about finding big names or popular artists. He focuses on finding artists who align with the concept and vibe of the album. It’s about creating a cohesive body of work that tells a story and takes the listener on a journey.

Priddy Ugly’s dedication to the creative process and his meticulous approach to selecting features is evident in the quality of his music. By starting from scratch and collaborating with artists who bring something unique to the table, he creates albums that are not only enjoyable to listen to but also thought-provoking and impactful.

So, the next time you listen to a Priddy Ugly album, take a moment to appreciate the thought and effort that goes into selecting features. It’s not just about the names on the tracklist; it’s about creating a musical experience that resonates with listeners and leaves a lasting impression.

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