Sneziey Msomi Shares Photos From Her Traditional Wedding

Last month, the singer, who prefers to keep her relationship private, annoSneziey Msomi Shares Wedding Photosunced her engagement and lobola negotiations.

Sneziey Msomi Shares Her Wedding Photos - tsz sa
Sneziey Msomi Shares Her Wedding Photos
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Sneziey Msomi has shared photos from her traditional wedding with her followers, and many of her fans are loving every minute of it.

Last month, the singer, who prefers to keep her relationship private, announced her engagement and lobola negotiations.

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This past weekend, Sneziey and her partner had their traditional wedding in KZN, and the festivities lasted three days.

Taking to social media, the singer shared pictures from the event … captioning the first one the singer said, “One thing about me ngiyingane yakomalume engakhaleli lutho my uncles bangigcinele lonke usiko kwaze kwafika ekugcineni when my uncle said “Sdudla ngiyoze ngikushiye kwakho ngingakukweleti lutho” NOMNDAYI PHINGOSHE GASA THABELA WENA OWEHLA NGOMZUNGULU WASALA WABOLA izadla zedlula ikhanda🙌🏿
Icece (umhlonyane).“

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