Mr Music Reportedly Dumps Kalawa Jazmee Records

"I refer to the artist agreement concluded between me and Dangerous Combination Crew Records t/a Kalawa Jazzmee Records on 25 January 2021”

Mr Music Reportedly Dumps Kalawa Jazmee Records - TSZ MZANSI
Mr Music Reportedly Dumps Kalawa Jazmee Records.
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Mr Music has announced his departure from Kalawa Jazmee Records. The star took to his Instagram account to share the news with his followers and fans.

“Expiry of artists agreement between dangerous combination crew records trading as Kalawa Jazmee Records and Mr Music.

“I refer to the artist agreement concluded between me and Dangerous Combination Crew Records t/a Kalawa Jazzmee Records on 25 January 2021”

“This notice confirms that I am no longer signed as an artist as of 13 December.

“I have fulfilled my minimum commitment in terms of the agreement and I’m free to enter into any third- party agreement for the sale, exploitation and/or distribution of future recordings.

“I am grateful for the opportunity of working with Kalawa Jazmee”

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