Melville Residents Experience Water Shortage, Call On Johannesburg For Water Supply

In a statement by the citizens sent to Johannesburg Water CEO Ntshavheni Mukwehvo, residents cried that the suburb has not had any water since May 30th. Melville has a connection with Johannesburg water commando which allows water inflow from Johannesburg system supplies.

Melville Residents Experience Water Shortage-TSZ MZANSI
Melville Residents Experience Water Shortage
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South Africa’s biggest city, Johannesburg has been called out by residents of Melville to come to their rescue following the recent outage of water supply in the city.

Melville has been without water and residents have warned of a possible explosion and agitation if their demands are not met.

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In a statement by Melville residents to Johannesburg Water CEO Ntshavheni Mukwehvo, residents cried out that the suburb has not had any water since May 30th. Melville has a connection with Johannesburg water commando which allows water inflow from Johannesburg system supplies.

When there is a problem, the commando system is usually the first to suffer due to rapid population growth and outdated infrastructure.

Hopes were raised high that prompt actions would be taken to resolve the water crises in Melville.

A statement by residents contained” We the residents and business of Melville are writing to express our deep concern and frustration regarding the ongoing water challenges that have persisted in our neighborhood for the past 14 days.

The prolonged absence of water supply is an intolerable situation that demands immediate action.

Basic activities such as cooking, cleaning, and personal hygiene have become incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to carry out.

Additionally, our business has been severely impacted, leading to financial loss and hampering our ability to function.

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The letter also stated that numerous attempts have been made in the past regarding the issue with no action taken.

” We, the residents and business of Melville, feel neglected and unheard, the city must address our issues and take swift actions to resolve the water crises we are facing” the statement read.


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