For A Better Glow, Steer Clear Of These 6 Harmful Ingredients In Your Cosmetics

These substances are absorbed directly through the skin, and their impact can be significant,” says Nicole Sherwin, founder of Eco Diva Natural. Imagine using skincare products without knowing if they contain harmful ingredients. Some toxins can upset your skin's balance, leading to conditions like pigmentation, acne, and premature aging.

For A Better Glow, Steer Clear Of These 6 Harmful Ingredients In Your Cosmetics-TSZ Mzansi
For A Better Glow, Steer Clear Of These 6 Harmful Ingredients In Your Cosmetics
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For a better glow, steer clear of these 6 harmful ingredients in your cosmetics. Your skin, being the body’s largest organ, absorbs everything you apply to it. It’s essential to be mindful of what you put on your skin.

Applying creams, lotions, and makeup to your skin without understanding their potential harm is concerning. These products can contain toxic elements that not only affect your skin but also impact your overall health.

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“When you put a cream on your skin that contains hormones like estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone, it can disrupt your hormonal system, affecting your endocrine, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems.

These substances are absorbed directly through the skin, and their impact can be significant,” says Nicole Sherwin, founder of Eco Diva Natural.

Imagine using skincare products without knowing if they contain harmful ingredients. Some toxins can upset your skin’s balance, leading to conditions like pigmentation, acne, and premature aging.

For A Better Glow, Steer Clear Of These 6 Harmful Ingredients In Your Cosmetics-TSZ Mzansi
For A Better Glow, Steer Clear Of These 6 Harmful Ingredients In Your Cosmetics

They might also disrupt your body and brain, potentially leading to severe illnesses such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, and neurological disorders.

When shopping for skincare, be wary of these harmful ingredients:

1. Sodium Laureth Sulfate

Used in car wash soap and engine degreasers, sodium laureth sulfate should not be in beauty and hair products. It can surround hair follicles, causing hair loss.

2. Petrochemicals

Many skincare products contain synthetic, petroleum-based substances. Studies show they can lead to anemia, kidney degeneration, and nerve damage.

3. Cocamide, Lauramide DEA (diethanolamine)

Easily absorbed through the skin, this ingredient may pose cancer risks. Avoid products with cocamide when looking for cosmetics and toiletries.

4. Parfum

Perfume often contains benzyl alcohol, acetone, and other harmful chemicals. Exposure to fragrance chemicals can lead to various symptoms like headaches, irritation, and respiratory issues.

5. Antiperspirants

Aluminum compounds found in antiperspirants raised concerns of breast cancer risk. Studies suggest they may contribute to cancerous breast cell development near the armpit.

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6. Parabens

Also known as Methylparaben, Propylparaben, IIsoparaben, Butylparaben. These chemicals, used as preservatives, have been linked to possible carcinogenicity and estrogenic effects.

Prioritize your skin’s health by avoiding these harmful ingredients and making informed choices when selecting cosmetic products.

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