5 Signs He’s Playing Mind Games With You

Does he take hours or even days to respond to your messages? Does he frequently cancel plans at the last minute? Inconsistent communication is a classic mind game tactic, designed to keep you guessing and feeling insecure.

5 Signs He's Playing Mind Games With You-TSZ Mzansi
5 Signs He's Playing Mind Games With You
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It can be frustrating and confusing when you suspect that someone you’re interested in is playing mind games with you. These mind games can leave you feeling uncertain about their intentions and questioning your own judgment. To help you navigate this tricky situation, here are five signs to look out for:

1. Hot and Cold Behavior

If he’s constantly switching between showing interest and then withdrawing, it could be a sign of mind games. This behavior keeps you on edge and unsure of where you stand with him.

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2. Inconsistent Communication

Does he take hours or even days to respond to your messages? Does he frequently cancel plans at the last minute? Inconsistent communication is a classic mind game tactic, designed to keep you guessing and feeling insecure.

3. Mixed Signals

One minute he’s affectionate and attentive, and the next he’s distant and aloof. Mixed signals can be incredibly confusing and are often used to manipulate your emotions and keep you hooked.

4. Lack of Accountability

If he never takes responsibility for his actions or makes excuses for his behavior, it’s a red flag. Mind game players often deflect blame and refuse to be held accountable for their actions.

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5. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the person makes you question your own sanity. If he repeatedly denies things he’s said or done, or makes you doubt your own memory, it’s a clear sign of mind games.

Remember, it’s important to trust your instincts and set boundaries. If you suspect someone is playing mind games with you, communicate your concerns and be prepared to walk away if necessary. You deserve someone who respects and values you.

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