Zahara’s Guitar And Awards Delivered To Family By Actress Lusanda Mbane

"I was there for her when she needed me, and I was there when we had fun as well. But that didn't always end well because the big sister in me would always come out, and Bulelwa was very stubborn."

Zahara's Guitar And Awards Delivered To Family By Actress Lusanda Mbane
Zahara's Guitar And Awards Delivered To Family By Actress Lusanda Mbane
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Actress Lusanda Mbane recently made a heartfelt journey from Johannesburg to Phumlani, Eastern Cape, to visit the family of the late star Bulelwa “Zahara” Mkuthukana. Not only did she bring her condolences, but she also delivered Zahara’s cherished guitar and awards.

Mbane was one of the few celebrities who had the opportunity to visit Zahara in the hospital before her untimely passing on December 11th.

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Reflecting on that challenging time, Mbane shared, “When she went into the hospital, I was in communication with everyone around her. It was a very unsettling, emotional time because I didn’t know what to expect.”

Describing their relationship, Mbane affectionately referred to herself as a big sister to the singer. “My journey was that of a big sister, and that was the relationship,” she explained.

“I was there for her when she needed me, and I was there when we had fun as well. But that didn’t always end well because the big sister in me would always come out, and Bulelwa was very stubborn.”

Mbane opened up about their special bond and how much Zahara loved her. “She knew she had to have limits. She knew if I was around, she had to have limits with how she spoke and conducted herself, and she would give me that respect as a big sister. If she found herself in any corner, she would call me, and I would be there for her.”

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Despite any disagreements they may have had, their connection remained unbreakable. “It wouldn’t matter if we fought the previous day, we discussed everything. There were no boundaries. She loved me so much that she almost wanted to give me her all,” Mbane shared.

Reflecting on the lighter moments they shared, Mbane fondly reminisced about their conversations on Zahara’s patio. “She would cook lunch and supper for me, and she would sing for me,” she said.

With Zahara’s guitar and awards now in the hands of her family, her legacy lives on, and the memories of their sisterly bond will forever be cherished.

Watch the video of Lusanda at Zahara’s family home here. 

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