Bontle’s Heartfelt Tribute Celebrates Priddy Ugly’s “DUST” Album

"Thank you for bearing it all. I’m so proud of you. I love you @priddy_ugly – signed, your No.1 Fan," Bontle concluded her heartfelt tribute.

Bontle’s Heartfelt Tribute Celebrates Priddy Ugly’s “DUST” Album - TSZ Mzansi
Bontle’s Heartfelt Tribute Celebrates Priddy Ugly’s “DUST” Album.
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Priddy Ugly, the acclaimed South African rapper, has finally released his highly anticipated third and final album, “DUST,” completing the trilogy that started with “Soil” and continued with “MUD.”

With this 14-track masterpiece, Priddy Ugly reaffirms his status as one of the finest lyricists in South African hip-hop. The release of “DUST” not only marks the end of Priddy Ugly’s rap career but also serves as a moment of celebration for his long-time lover and wife, Bontle Modiselle.

In a heartfelt tribute shared on Instagram, the popular South African dancer and choreographer poured her heart out, reflecting on the journey Priddy Ugly went through during the creation of his final album.

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“Soil. Mud. And now Dust. The end of the trilogy. That’s it. It feels so final. But you really did it,” Bontle wrote. “I’m teary-eyed as I type this because I know what creating this album felt and looked like for you.

“Some days were hellish, others were a peace you fought for…if you had the fight in you. And often, that fight was just to stay alive. Extremes of everything. Priddy — Ugly. What an ending.”

Bontle acknowledged the power of Priddy Ugly’s music, describing it as a mirror that allows people to see themselves or reflect on the realities of the society they live in.

She expressed her admiration for standout tracks such as “Falling” and “No Plan,” which hold a special place in her heart. Additionally, she highlighted the significance of songs like “Broken Home [Afrika’s Prayer]” and “What’s the Math” within the overall body of work.

“I have a couple of favorites, ‘Falling’ and ‘No Plan.’ I had already heard the first drafts almost exactly a year ago, flying back from Utah on my return from NBA All-Star. I cried. Lol,” Bontle shared.

“Afrika loves mommy and daddy’s song ‘What’s the Math,’ so of course, I’m biased towards it. However, nothing compares to hearing her prayer in ‘Broken Home [Afrika’s Prayer].’ It has me in a chokehold.”

Bontle expressed her gratitude to everyone who supported Priddy Ugly throughout his musical journey, acknowledging their contributions to the album.

She described Priddy Ugly’s mind as beautiful, his soul as rare, and his gift as special. She hopes that his journey of music continues to be the answer to many prayers, extending beyond himself.

“Thank you for bearing it all. I’m so proud of you. I love you @priddy_ugly – signed, your No.1 Fan,” Bontle concluded her heartfelt tribute.

In closing, Bontle shared a quote from Riky Rick, another prominent figure in the South African music scene, who said, “‘Priddy Ugly make the cypher complete. Never compete.'” She encouraged everyone to listen to Priddy Ugly’s album, “DUST,” expressing her hope that they would all enjoy it.

Priddy Ugly’s “DUST” album is now available for streaming and is a testament to his talent, dedication, and artistic growth. As fans and supporters, let’s celebrate the culmination of this trilogy and appreciate the impact that Priddy Ugly has had on the South African hip-hop landscape.

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