The Ranaka family’s reality show, which has been renewed for a fifth season, will return to small screens in January, in fact, the season will premiere on Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 20:00.
The bold, relatable, and lovable multigenerational entertainment family continues to share their lives with us, with storylines such as Ntate Ranaka’s search for his sister, Mama Ranaka adapting the family business during Covid times, Manaka continuing her journey into farming, and Dineo choosing to take a back seat in the family.
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On social media in July, it was announced that the Ranakas had resumed production of their season 4 family reality show.
“#TheRanakas are OFFICIALLY back in production! Social distancing, PPE, sanitizing, regular hand washing and all it takes to bring you your fave family reality show safely! Season 4 loading,” Dineo captioned post.
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They’ll be back with Season 5 in January, and their fans can’t wait to have them back on screen.