Man Bags Life Imprisonment For Rape.

Mxolisi became upset and pulled out a knife to scare the complainant, instructed her to go with him to his house.

Man Bags Life Imprisonment For Rape.

A regional high court sitting in Durban kwazulu has sentenced a 36 years old man with name Mxolisi Qasha for the rape of a 30 years old woman.

A source  close to the incident disclosed that the victim was with her friend when Mxolisi approached them and started assaulting them, adding that Mxolisi accused the complainant’s friend of calling him an impondo.

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The victim upon realization spoke in a language her friend understood and upon intervening, hoping to resolve the situation, victim asked her friend to run away.

Mxolisi became upset and pulled out a knife to scare the complainant, instructed her to go with him to his house.

In the heat of the moment, Mxolisi over powered and raped and raped her before letting her go.

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The incident was reported, Mxolisi was arrested and charged for life imprisonment.

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