Lilian Dube Dishes Advise To Upcoming Stars

Young talent need to honor those around them. You can be on top today and be down the next day,” she said.

Lilian Dube Dishes Advise To Upcoming Stars - TSZ Mzansi
Lilian Dube Dishes Advise To Upcoming Stars.

South African Movie Icon Lilian Dube has urged upcoming stars in the industry to respect themselves and not let their little success get in the head.

“Young talent needs to honor those around them. You can be on top today and be down the next day.

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“We are who we are because of those who are around us. Our fans play a huge role in our lives as performers,” she said.

“As much as you might be famous, you must know that you are not above anyone else,” she said.

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She urged young stars to have good manners.

“How you carry yourself as an individual says a lot to those around you. My message to everyone is that let’s go back to the basics and know why we are here,” Lilian Dube

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