Truly, when one door shuts, another one opens for us and this is the case of media personality, Dineo Ranaka.
For some, getting fired from a place of work is exactly what they needed to launch into the success stories they are today.
Taking to Instagram, Ranaka said she was thankful her previous employer, KayaFm fired her.
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Dineo worked with Kaya FM as host of the breakfast show, unfortunately, she was fired with immediate effect from Kaya FM in July this year after a public meltdown.
she was dismissed due to her no-show at work and venting on social media instead of allowing the station to help her with her health challenges.
Following her separation from the station, she finally decided to focus on other things.
The TV and radio star said her depression diagnosis helped her understand herself better and says she’s happy the station dropped her, and if it didn’t, there wouldn’t be this tremendous sense of growth in her life.
In an Instagram post, she thanked Kaya FM for firing her, adding: “Actually it wasn’t Kaya that fired me, GOD DID! There’s not a single human who has all their s*** together so just focus on yours, mate. Stay trying.
“And whoever said Rome was built in a day? No one. To all my entrepreneurial fam, this business journey has no balance. That’s why it’s one foot in front of the other.
It’s hard, and your well-being will take strain, but let me tell you something.
If you’re willing to focus, isolate, work hard/smart, and reflect … You’ll be healthy. You’ll be ok” she wrote.
It seems getting fired was a great learning experience for the podcaster as she relates her setbacks as facts instead of tragedies, and a blessing instead of a loss.
Dineo Ranaka’s story resonates with everyone and confirms that sometimes, life throws us a curveball, even though it can be difficult to find the silver lining.
But oftentimes, when we step back and look at the situation objectively, we realize that even the most difficult of problems can be a blessing in disguise.
Her story also teaches us that no matter what type of problem we face, it will always somehow force us to grow.
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